Prepping your pup for Spring and NYS vaccination updates

Prepping your pup for Spring and NYS vaccination updates

With Spring upon us, we usually store away our winter clothes, and do some much needed spring cleaning, but your home and your wardrobe aren't the only preparations that need to happen! Getting your dog ready for the change in weather is important to make sure that they stay healthy and happy. Here are 4 tips to make sure you are getting your furry friends set.

Prevention over treatment: We all know that prevention for fleas, ticks, and heartworms are key for the health of your pet, and it is the time to get your dog back on preventative medication if you stopped. As the weather heats up, your best friend’s worst enemies come out which means your dog is at risk. So contact your veterinarian and make sure your pet is safe.

Brush your furry friend: Most dogs will shed more as they get rid of their winter coat for a lighter coat that allows them to be comfortable in the warmer temperatures. Brushing your dog daily year round is a great practice, but especially as the season changes. If you don't have one, we suggest you invest in a brush specifically for shedding. 

Check your backyard: Yes, we know it's NY, but some of us are lucky enough to have a backyard area where we live. Make sure the snow and ice haven't eroded any parts of the yard and created holes in your fence or ground that your dog can escape from or possibly harm them.

Update your dog's medical information: After your dog's annual checkup, most likely they have gotten some new shots. Ask your veterinarian for an updated list of their medical info to have on hand, as well as share with us!  Also, if your dog has a microchip, you’d want to add that information there as well.


And speaking of updating your dog’s medical information, the state of New York has recently implemented a new animal vaccine policy that requires certain animals to be vaccinated against specific diseases. This policy is designed to protect both animals and humans from the spread of infectious diseases that are considered highly contagious and potentially fatal.

The new policy mandates that all dogs and cats in New York State must be vaccinated against rabies by the age of four months and receive a booster shot within one year of the initial vaccination. In addition, all dogs, cats, and ferrets receive a vaccine against distemper, hepatitis, and parvovirus by the age of four months and leptospirosis, a bacterial disease that can be transmitted to humans, annually.

Moving forward, The Bark Shoppe will need proof of the following vaccines from a licensed veterinarian:

  • Distemper, Adenovirus, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, Hepatitis (can be listed as DA2PP or DH2PP)
  • Bordetella Vaccinations
  • Rabies (with a signature from a licensed veterinarian)

What Happens if Animals are Not Vaccinated?

Animal owners who do not comply with the new policy may face penalties, including fines and other enforcement actions. In addition, The Bark Shoppe must legally deny access to any pets that do not show proof 24 hours before their visit to the store.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new vaccine policy, please do not hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian, local animal control agency, or us at The Bark Shoppe. We are always happy to answer your questions!